
I’m absolutely committed to keeping this post from being “I’m sorry I’ve been missing, I promise to do this and that from now on, yadda-yadda-BORING!”

Let’s just pick up right where we left off, shall we?

…And uh, yeah, I don’t really think we left off anywhere in particular, so I’ll just jump right into the details that make up my life, right here and now.

Okay? Okay.

Somewhere in the middle of flus, colds, holidays and everyday life, we regressed in the area of morning routine. Not that we’ve really had any kind of solid routine since we’ve moved here, because putting the phrases “living here” and “normal life” together is like putting the phrases “wear a bikini” and “Time Square on New Year’s Eve” together. Anyway, I’ve noticed that my days have felt pretty hectic and though there are probably several contributing factors, I’m leaning toward the school of thought that says your days feel more ordered when you start them out right. In general, I think I’ve found that to be true. I’m sure you see where this is headed.

I didn’t start out as a morning person, but when you have kids, you learn quickly that the early morning may be the only time the house is completely quiet. The dishwasher isn’t running, little feet are laying motionless* in beds, and any adults who are awake will usually have the sense to keep to themselves as they pull out of the early morning stupor. At least, that’s what it looks like in my perfect world.

*By motionless, I really just mean that the children (and their legs) are not upright and moving/walking around. Because if you’re my husband or one of my children, your feet (or toes, or ankles…) never stop moving. Seriously.

Anyway, for as long as I’ve been aware of the bliss of early morning silence, I’ve happily staggered out of bed around 6 o’clock. Anytime before 6 just feels wrong, but if I sleep in past 6? It’s like sleeping in. Hate it. I’ll be honest and say that lately, with the awful nights of sleep (in other words, no sleep) we’re getting around here, I’ve been giving myself license to sleep in and somehow, I never seem to feel better. Time for change, I say!

I haven’t really nailed it all down yet, but the new routine will definitely include waking up at 6, morning prayers, dressing for the day, breakfast, and planning out the rest of the day.

And seriously, I know that sounds incredibly exciting. I’ll stop before I do something crazy like inspire you to do the same. Yikes.

Moving on…

I’ve probably said this 7 thousand times before but I’ve been examining the content of my blog, the purpose of my blog, and the potential of my blog a lot lately. I haven’t arrived at any conclusions, but can you help me? Even if you don’t normally comment (and I can certainly understand because I have a horrible lurking habit), I’d so love your insight on ideas for the direction I should take. Are there any topics you’d like me to write on more often? Ultimately, this blog is primarily for me, but the thing is, if it was only for me, I could just as well write all of these things in my private journal. So please, weigh in if you feel inclined.

Some topics I’ve been mulling over:

– Homemaking (cooking/baking and methods, cleaning, healthy products, simple living, decorating)
– Marriage and mothering (biblical, healthful approaches to all things that fall under this category)
– Our faith (how we arrived at Orthodox Christianity, our transition into the Church, stories about our process of conversion, the kids’ adjustments, and what we’re learning as Protestants-turning-Orthodox)

I have a lot of firm convictions on a lot of different things and truthfully, I always shy away from publishing posts about those things because I just don’t know if it matters.

Does it matter? I’m not trying to be needy – but…does it matter?


Filed under tea-timing

14 responses to “Matter

  1. Jennifer

    Yes, of course, it matters, Rissa! I would love to hear all the topics that you’re passionate about, whether you think it will offend people or not. I often admire your train of thought or the conclusions that you come to about things, but I often wonder how you came to them. Background on your faith, your family’s lifestyle, your convictions as a mother, all of them make up who you are and therefore are important to those of us who keep up with you and your family, as well as those just passing through.

    Keep hanging in there…He will not give us more than we can handle! Linden and I think of you and speak of your family often.

  2. Laura

    I think your writing is impecable and I always enjoy your blogs…even when they are about all things baby, and that is not the season of life I am in. It causes me to remember and to go down that beautiful time of life again through you and your circumstances.
    That being said, I wouldn’t change a thing. I would allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you and trust that what you are writing on for that day is exactly just the right thing for one of the people (or many more) that happen upon your page!

    I love you so much.

  3. I like when you write about your faith and where it’s led you–like the quiverfull families posts, and things like that. I am also trying to learn about homeschooling right now, so it’d be great if you posted about what you plan to do/are doing with Jack and Forrest, and even your own homeschooling experience. And I also like recipes, particularly when they are inexpensive, easy and nutritious. My husband and I really like the black bean and salsa soup you posted about a while back. So it does matter. Your blog is a platform; you can reach people. It’s a good thing!

  4. Hey Rissa,

    I just love hearing about your life since you’re so far away! But if you really want a suggestion on a direction, I love when you share about marriage and mothering because I’m sure I’ll be there someday!


  5. I always love hearing what you have to say about stuff. I’d love to know more about healthy living and how that works for your family.
    And for me personally, even if it’s a post about nothing but having a rough day, or getting no sleep, or something like that, it’s encouraging because I have those days too. It’s just good to remember there are other mom’s out there who have the same struggles.

  6. Erika

    I would be very interested in your faith journey! I am just a random lurking mama, but I would love to read about your faith transition.

  7. Lauren

    Can I say “All of the above”? Your blog is always fun for me to read. I love “hearing” your perspective because sometimes you really make me sit down and think about my own life and the changes and goals I want to set for my family.
    Don’t be shy!

  8. I love all those topics and they are the whole reason I got interested in your blog. I like your idealism and how you get on kicks trying to make good habits. I’m like that, too, and it’s inspiring. With five young kids, and two more on the way, I’m in more of a survival mode and don’t get inspired to change things as often. The only time I’m disappointed in your blog is when you don’t post anything!! πŸ™‚ (Which I totally understand, of course.)

  9. By the way, although there are always disagreeable people who will leave rude, argumentative comments on a blog- I don’t think you should let that stop you in the least from speaking your convictions or interests or point of view- even though sometimes those change. I’d just delete it and go on. No one is forced to read your blog and it is YOURS, after all. It’s good to try not to be a stumbling block, but there are lots of like-minded people out there who will find encouragement and inspiration in your perspectives.

  10. Lindsey

    I love just hearing about what is going on. Period. Seriously! (And yes, Eli looked at me this morning sitting at the breakfast table and said, “Mom (b/c I am Mom now, no longer “mommy”) you are my best friend. Seriously!”)! Anyways. I love all the stuff you write about. Food. Recipe sharing. Mothering. What you are discovering about that. About being a wife. I love it all! So, whatever you feel like writing. WRITE AWAY! I just love knowing that I am not the only one living with my in-laws so I don’t feel as crazy when I read that you are still having to learn to adjust to it. Because Lord knows (and i totally believe He does) it is not easy! Refining, sweet friend, just good ol’ refining.

  11. Kristal

    I choose the “all of the above” option. πŸ™‚

  12. Rissa, I agree that anything you wish to write about is good. I am a firm believer that a blog is a representation of its writer. Why write what other people want to hear if it isn’t what you are passionate about? That being said, I’d love to hear about how you’ve made some of the decisions you’ve made for your family? Do you plan to homeschool and why? What are your personal feelings on quiverful and does it scare you sometimes? What are your goals for healthy eating? , etc…

  13. Janine

    Please share all that you feel comfortable sharing.
    I love to hear other peoples views/thoughts/beliefs and sometimes they challenge me, sometimes they dont.
    I would in particular like to know more about Orthodox Christianity. I’m not sure I even know what that is? Ie what ‘group’ are they.
    And I would love to know how you getting on with being sugar free.

  14. mamarissa

    You people are way, way too good to me. πŸ˜‰ Thank you for weighing in. I’m grateful for the input – I’ve felt the urge to begin writing more in-depth for quite some time, and this really helps to get me motivated. I appreciate all of your kind words and your faithful readership. Seriously, you inspire me! Love, love, love!

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